by Jeeah H.
This goes out not only to K-POP fans, but all youths in general. Whether it'd be gaming, gossiping, watching television, or any idle activity, don't waste (notice I used the word 'waste' to emphasize my point that you are not spending your time wisely) too much time doing so. An hour or so a day of it is enough, replace the deducted time with more reading and studying. Prepare for exams and tests, or even for the next lesson (you'd be amazed how happy teachers can be to know that you've researched on the next lesson beforehand).
So, close this tab -- heck, close this whole window -- and open your books and notes. Start scanning and browsing through, highlighting, summarizing, or whatever the hell works for you to study.
Wishing you all the best. Don't have any words of motivation to offer, but if it helps, you may read this article: "K-POP isn't the reason why I'm not suceeding in my studies: Distractions and Study Habits"
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