Happy New Year readers! So the Senior batch of 2012 have now taken over the blog and has already undergone a lot of construction work by our website specialist. How do you like it? We wanted to make things a little more advanced. Our current aim for this year and many years to come is to make this blog one of the most visited site for Pusat Tingkatan Enam Katok students, well, not only for students but also for the public, we're really encouraging students to continue with their education and of course apply here to Pusat Tinkatan Enam Katok.
So, it's January! The cohort 1 students will be starting their course here in PTEK on the 5th of January, so it's time for the juniors to join us here in the Pulse. We're looking for journalist and also photographers. Almost forgot to mention a website specialist or a multimedia specialist as we will need the blog to be well maintained at all times. JOIN US? We'll be holding up a booth on the 7th January 2012 at the MPH so please come and apply.
That's really pretty much everything. Congratulations to the SENIORS for getting promoted and congratulations to the COHORT 1 STUDENTS for making the admission.
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