Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tips To Wake Up And Get Out Of Bed Fast

By Yap Chun Wee.

Always late for school? Can’t seem to make it there on time? Had enough of taking late slips all the time? Well, it’s probably due to the fact that you couldn’t get out of bed. It’s always tough to drag yourself out of bed, so here are some tips to help you wake up alert and get you out of bed quickly: 

Access your health
Your drowsiness in the morning might be health-related. A better diet and some exercise should might the problem. If you still feel the same, then I suggest you seek a doctor for professional help. 

Coffee on your bedside table
For most imbibers, caffeinated drinks have a stimulant effect leading to enhanced alertness and wakefulness, among others. Leaving some coffee (use a thermal flask) or any other caffeinated drink beside your table might be a good way to get yourself out of bed. 

Place your alarm clock strategically
Try putting your alarm clock where it is loud enough to wake you up yet far enough to force you to get up and walk over to shut it off. This should help you get out of bed. 

Don’t take in caffeine the night before 
It takes a while for caffeine to get out of your system. So, don’t drink anything caffeinated the night before or else you’d be having a hard time sleeping which leads to lack of sleep which then leads to drowsiness or grogginess in the morning. 

Smelling salts
For centuries, smelling salts have been reviving people, but you don’t have to smell something distasteful. Put a bottle of a pleasant-smelling essential oil like orange, grapefruit, or mint next to your bed to sniff in order to shake yourself out of a groggy state. 

Train yourself 
Instead of forcing yourself to wake up all the time, train yourself to react to your alarm clock instantly by practicing the motions of waking up. While in a darkened room, practice jumping out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off. Do this repeatedly twice a day for about 10 times until it feels automatic. It would seem silly if someone walks in on you doing it but it helps. 

Extra info: It is imperative for students who drive themselves to school need to get a sufficient amount of sleep each night. It is dangerous to drive while you’re still feeling drowsy.


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