Thursday, February 16, 2012

Maulidur Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam Celebration

By Nur Haidatul Fatinah Hj Marzuki.

Thursday, 16th February 2012 - Maulidur Prophet S.A.W Celebration was held at the MPH, Pusat Tingkatan Enam Katok. All students were involved in this celebration. The purpose of the celebration is to commemorate the event and feel a sense of religious love of the Prophet. At 10.15am, the celebration started off with Ustaz Hj Razali bin Hj Judin reciting Surah Al-Fatihah after the arrival of Ustazah Noor Izzah binti Hj Abidin.

Ustazah Noor Izzah, as the guest speaker of this event, started her talk at 10:30am and finished at around 11.10am. In the content of the talk, she talked about the history of Prophet Rasulullah S.A.W and also suggested practical practices and ways for the students to be closer to Allah and also to show respect and love Prophet Rasulullah S.A.W.

After the talk, souvenirs were given to the guest speaker, Ustazah Noor Izzah, which was presented by the principal, Cikgu Hjh Rosni binti Hj Mohd Amin. At 11.30am, all students and teachers then recited the Dikir Asyrakal together.

Lastly, to finish off this celebration, at 11.40am, Doa Selamat was recited by Ustaz Hj Razali bin Hj Judin.


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