By Al Faidz

The trip to Tasek Lama was enjoyed by students where they were given chances to observe up close and also given on field explanation on the respective subtopics of Hydrology. As many as 18 students were given the opportunity to observe the shape of the drainage basin of Tasek Lama, the seepage of water, the process of percolation and also some other upcoming topic which haven't been taught to the students. Judging from the students' response, many of those contribute in the trip by asking questions, observing the process and also increase their understanding and ability in answering questions on spot and off spot. Such that student can imagine what they see.
At the end of the day, Sir Rama quoted “What’s more important is not what you need to learn, but what you know. Don’t just be a book smart person, be a smart person, be an A* student!”
Revised by Joanne Lim.
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