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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The vitality of cleanliness
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Book Bonanza and iCharacter Competition
If you can read this, thank a teacher.
Each participant went up stage, dressed up in their desired characters. They explained to us about their role, their reason why they chose that character and how their personality matches up with their character's personality. There were a lot of interesting information told that we never knew.
According to Tinah Marzuki, one of the contestant. “ I had spent a lot of time on icharacter actually. I did a lot of research and I reread some of the chapters of the book that I chose (Alice the Wonderland). I also had to pick a suitable costume to fit my role as the White Queen.”
“I thought the iCharacter was a way to encourage people to get involved with books. Nowadays, books have become last resorts and by this, it's a start to restoring the habit of reading once again. The presentation was a good way of showing people how well you knew the book you were talking about, and hopefully it was appreciated that we spent time to share why we love the book we presented” said Yassamin binti Ahmad Zainal.
The first place went to "The Three Musketeers", second place went to Alice in wonderland's "Queen Of Hearts" and third place went to "The Joker". The other participants were also there dressed beautifully. Here are some pictures to share.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Swimming Competition
Among all of these swimmers, one was actually from PTEK and her name is Patricia Chong. She and her team had been to many competitions before and she was ready to face another challenge. Parents of the participants showed up at the event and were seen sitting together watching the competition take place. The race was 100m. Patricia with her opponent of the same age did the butterfly swim, rushing towards and back to the point.
After the event had ended smoothly, the results were out. All the swimmers were very nervous, eagerly wanting to know the outcome. The results were as expected, we congratulate our beautiful swimmer from DSC (Dolphin Swimming Club), Patricia Chong for winning 2 golds, one silver and one bronze and were satisfied by it. If there is another swimming competition, we sure know that Patricia will be up against it and will be hungry for even more gold medals.
Here are some pictures to share.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The Mass Movement Trip
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Japanese Club Learning Session
Sunday, April 15, 2012
New year, New school, New opportunities!
On 12th and 14th of April 2012, the young and new generation of PTEK, fresh off of high school, came for interviews to join the student authority of the school ie. The student council and prefects. “ I’m so nervous, I really don’t know what to say !” says one of the candidate. Fortunately enough, the prefects and student council members helped them ease up on the stress by writing up motivational and uplifting messages on the boards to help calm their nerves.
“At first I felt so stiff, I couldn’t even breathe, but after the prefect gave a gentle laugh and smiled at me, I really feel more comfortable with them. I could actually be me with them” says a student after an interview with the bureau of CCA and Public Relation. This interview helps strengthen and mould the students, the future of tomorrow, to be ready for the problems that they may face in the future when they apply for job and be well-motivated before any future confrontation with their senior colleague at work.
There are numerous outstanding students, equipped with grades that shot sky high and well-mannered personality stumble upon answering the question “So what makes you think you’re up for the tasks we handle here as the student council”. The answer that came about after the question would start off a bit shaky, but the sentences are finished with a bang, bringing the student council shocked in awe.
“From my point of view, the students did quite well. They had injected great confidence and shown immense passion during the interview” said Joanne Lim, a prefect from the bureau of Public Relations.
Although the students may not know what obstacles that lies behind the duties of the student council, the student council and prefects know what they saw in them. Their potential--potential to be the next leaders that guides PTEK into a better college of tomorrow.
“It isn’t only just how they look, dress and the way they talk during the interview. It is how they how they show us their true individual selves that makes the difference. We want to know what they can do, and how would they do it.” Says one of the prefects on duty. A large number of different candidates may show a large variance in attitude and presentation-wise but only a few could stand out with a difference in personality, the interviews tests both their ability to perform well as well as testify their words through the their personality behavior.
Working swiftly and efficiently, the members of the student authority worked, asking questions and writing reviews on the individual candidates. At the end of the day, the student council members who gave the interviews, smiled; heart filled with hopes, to feel that the next generation could do so much better.
“I can do it” said the candidate, pumping himself up before entering the interviewing room.
We can do this.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Geography Field Trip To Tasek Lama

The trip to Tasek Lama was enjoyed by students where they were given chances to observe up close and also given on field explanation on the respective subtopics of Hydrology. As many as 18 students were given the opportunity to observe the shape of the drainage basin of Tasek Lama, the seepage of water, the process of percolation and also some other upcoming topic which haven't been taught to the students. Judging from the students' response, many of those contribute in the trip by asking questions, observing the process and also increase their understanding and ability in answering questions on spot and off spot. Such that student can imagine what they see.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Public Transportation in Brunei and London
Revised by Joanne Lim.
Juniors Tied Down The Veteran
Securing The Top Spot In The League
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Wet Field? No Probs For Selungsung FC
Revised by Joanne Lim.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Winning Streak
Another Win For The Gunners
Greentea To The Rescue As Starjan Shellshocked
Khairun Akmal was named man of the match. This match w3as refereed by Ron Junior Philip.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Chinese Club
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Having a rabbit as pet : The Do’s and don’t’s
Friday, April 6, 2012
The Giants Have Awoken
Personal Statements
For more information , visit : http://www.studential.com/guide/write_personal_statement.htm
Revised by Joanne Lim.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
PTEK's Netball Champions
Big congratulations to:
Azyan Filzah Nadhirah Abdullah (BE 22)
Nurul Bahriah Bte Manap (BE 18)
Elsie Anak Ijong (BE 15)
Yassamin Bte Ahmad Zainal (BE 13)
Nur Afiqah Bte Arifin (BE 20)
Yvonne Lim Yee Wen (BE 12)
Dk Nur Fatin Syaafi'ah Pg Shahrin (BE 16)
Dk Nur Atikah Pg Metussin (BE 13)
Nur Harizan Abdul Rahman (BE17)
K-Leaugue Schedule
Monday, 2nd April 2012 - Batis Vs K-Knights (0 - 1)
- II FC Vs MIC (6 - 0)
Tuesday, 3rd April 2012 - Starjan Vs Pisako FC (1 - 2)
- K-Gunners Vs Selungsung (2 - 0)
Wednesday, 4th April 2012 - Tenggiling Vs Batis (0 - 9)
- K-Knights Vs II FC (1 - 4)
Thursday, 5th April 2012 - MIC Vs Starjan (1 - 0)
- Pisako FC Vs K-Gunners (0 - 7)
Monday, 9th April 2012 - Selungsung Vs Tenggiling (2:30-3:55PM)
- Batis Vs MIC (4:00-5:45PM)
Tuesday, 10th April 2012 - II FC Vs Starjan (2:30-3:55PM)
- Pisako FC Vs K-Knights (4:00-5:45PM)
Wednesday, 11th April 2012 - Batis Vs K-Gunners (2:30-3:55PM)
- Tenggiling Vs MIC (4:00-5:45PM)
Thursday, 12th April 2012 - Selungsung Vs Pisako FC (2:30-3:55PM)
- Starjan Vs K-Knights (4:00-5:45PM)
Monday, 16th April 2012 - K-Knights Vs K-Gunners (2:30-3:55PM)
- Batis Vs Starjan (4:00-5:45PM)
Tuesday, 17th April 2012 - Pisako FC Vs Tenggiling (2:30-3:55PM)
- Selungsung Vs II FC (4:00-5:45PM)
Wednesday, 18th April 2012 - MIC Vs K-Knights (2:30-3:55PM)
- K-Gunners Vs Starjan (4:00-5:45PM)
Thursday, 19th April 2012 - Batis Vs Selungsung (2:30-3:55PM)
- Pisako FC Vs II FC (4:00-5:45PM)
Monday, 23rd April 2012 - K-Gunners Vs II FC (2:30-3:55PM)
- Pisako FC Vs Batis (4:00-5:45PM)
Tuesday, 24th April 2012 - Selungsung Vs Starjan (2:30-3:55PM)
- Tenggiling Vs K-Knights (4:00-5:45PM)
Wednesday, 25th April 2012 - II FC Vs Batis (2:30-3:55PM)
- K-Gunners Vs MIC (4:00-5:45PM)
Thursday, 26th April 2012 - K-Knights Vs Selungsung (2:30-3:55PM)
- Tenggiling Vs Starjan (4:00-5:45PM)
Monday, 30th April 2012 - K-Gunners Vs Tenggiling (2:30-3:55PM)
Tuesday, 1st May 2012 - MIC Vs Selungsung (2:30-3:55PM)
Wednesday, 2nd May 2012 - II FC Vs Tenggiling (2:30-3:55PM)
Thursday, 3rd May 2012 - MIC Vs Pisako FC (2:30-3:55PM)
Gunners Shot Down The Seabass
The Teachers Rocked PTEK's Field
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Strong Start For Intut-Intut FC
Great Start For The Juniors
Monday, April 2, 2012
No Styrofoam Saturday
As most of us might have known, we had the no Styrofoam day last Saturday and rumor has it that no Styrofoam day in PTEK would only last for a day with food vendors selling food without the use of Styrofoam plates and cups. But is that so? NO. We're here to prove that wrong. We are to work together to make every Saturday, no Styrofoam day in PTEK. With everyone's help and cooperation, I am sure that we will definitely succeed.
First of all, what is Styrofoam?
How did he thought of inventing the Styrofoam?
How is Styrofoam harmful?
By 1986, styrene was found in 100 percent of all samples of human fat tissue taken as part of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Human Tissue Survey. Researchers found that Styrofoam cups lose weight when in use, meaning that styrene is oozing into the foods and drinks we consume. It then ends up stored in our fatty tissue, where it can build up to levels that can cause fatigue, nervousness, difficulty sleeping, blood abnormalities, and even carcinogenic effects.
What are the real health effects of eating and drinking food from Styrofoam containers?
Revised by Joanne Lim