April's Theme: LIFE IN PTEK
One winner will be chosen every month. We'll be giving mini prizes every month. Twelve (12) best photography will be chosen after the competition is over and made into something great! Sounds good?
Here's the Terms & Conditions need to be followed:
1. You are allowed to submit more than one entry, however, only one will be chosen.
2. Photos must be sent using .jpeg format only.
3. Adding watermark is allowed.
4. It is open to ALL students of PTE Katok.
5. Entries must be related to the theme. If rules are violated, participant will be DISQUALIFIED.
6. Photos will be under the ownership of Newsletter Club after submission.
7. Photos will be judged according to its originality and creativity.
8. Newsletter Club has the right to change the rules without any notice.
9. Date of Submission : 25th of each month
10. It should be sent to editors.pulse@live.com
11. Participants should provide FULL NAME, AE/BE, TITLE, I.C, CONTACT NO. All personal information will be confidential.
So make sure to check out this page all the time. We'll be posting ALL participants submission here ;) Stay updated!